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The Word Among Us

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† Items available in limited quantities to parishes in high poverty areas

Contact Information

The Word Among Us Partners
7115 Guilford Drive
Suite 100
Frederick, MD 21704
(301) 874-8719
(301) 874-2190 (Fax)

Prison & Pregnancy Hope
and Healing Ministry

Angela M. Burrin
(301) 874-8719 ext. 2100

Major Gifts Specialist
and College Ministry

Theresa Moser
(301) 874-8719 ext. 2170

Gifts Specialist
Kate Mannarino
(301) 874-8719 ext. 2143

Gifts Specialist
and Military Ministry

Ricardo Gonzalez
(301) 874-8719 ext. 2411

Hardship Ministry
James F. Mannarino
(301) 874-8719 ext. 2107

Gifts Specialist
Maasa Fischer
(301) 874-8719 ext. 2167