Hardship Ministry
Together we are sending The Word Among Us to:
People Experiencing Hardship
Providing Hope to Those Experiencing Hardship
God calls us to care for those in challenging circumstances who long to hear a word of hope or experience his comfort. So then, when the Lord meets us following this earthly life, we will be judged by the deeds of mercy that we did for the least of Jesus' brothers and sisters.
For the past several years, The Word Among Us Partners has received many requests to send The Word Among Us to those in the most difficult situations–people in homeless shelters, addiction treatment centers, hospitals, and senior living and health care centers. Directors and volunteers in these facilities share with us the desperate need for individuals they serve to come to know God's love through our publication.
"Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40
Because of these requests and generous donors like you, we created our newest ministry to fill this need: The Word Among Us Partners Hardship Ministry. In 2021, we began sharing the Gospel of good news with Catholics facing homelessness, illness and injury, addiction, or who need long-term healthcare assistance. Our goal this year is to send The Word Among Us to 2,000 more Catholics who live in these centers.
We are grateful to bring God's light to those who may be facing their darkest times. With your prayers and support, this new ministry will continue to grow!
Contact Partners
The Word Among Us Partners
7115 Guilford Drive
Suite 100
Frederick, MD 21704
(301) 874-8719
(301) 874-2190 (Fax)
Hardship Ministry
James F. Mannarino
(301) 874-8719 ext. 2107